18 May 1998
From: lb@qainfo.se Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 11:36:48 +0000 To: jya@pipeline.com Cc: ricki@qainfo.se Subject: The echelon web-page Best John Thank you for making a copy of the the echelon page with such a short notice. However, the copy at JYA is truncated, so the complete page is now temporarly at; The web-page will be reactivated as soon as our network department has made some changes with their computers. With best regards Laszlo Baranyi --- Laszlo Baranyi, lb@qainfo.se, QA Information Security AB Box 596, S-175 26 Jarfalla, Sweden Phone: +46-(0)8-580 884 00, Fax: +46-(0)8-580 884 05 Web: www.qainfo.se. PGP key available.